Code Of Conduct
Code of Conducts for Coaches
Storm Gymnastics is committed to ensuring that those working with children and vulnerable young adults adopt the best possible practice to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participants and staff. The coaches code of conduct is designed to support the club’s child protection policies. It works in conjunction with the clubs procedures and SG coaching guidelines.
Protecting the rights of the gymnast
Coaches must respect and champion the rights of every individual to participate in gymnastics.
This includes...
• Providing an environment in which children are free from fear or harassment.
• Recognising the rights of performers to be treated fairly and as individuals.
• Encouraging performers to confer with other coaches if the need arises and encouraging them to move on as their ability increases, even if this means moving to a new coach.
• Promoting the concept of a well-balanced lifestyle for performers both within and outside of gymnastics.
The relationship with the gymnast
Coaches must develop a relationship with the gymnasts in their care based on openness, honesty, mutual trust and respect.
This includes...
• Always being publicly open when working with gymnasts. Situations where a coach is working alone and unobserved with an individual should be avoided.
• Taking care when providing manual support, only SG advised techniques for spotting and handling should be used. Coaches are advised if when handling a gymnast during a skill, they accidentally touch an area of the gymnasts body (an area deemed private or unsuitable to touch if out-with handling of a skill) coaches should speak with the gymnasts parents after class to advise of the full situation
• If a group of gymnasts need to be supervised in the changing rooms, coaches should supervise in pairs. If taking gymnast to toilet, always remain outside in the public area.
• Coaches should never take a gymnast home with them or to any other secluded place. Similarly, coaches should avoid transporting gymnasts, or where the need arises explicit permission from the parent/guardian should be sought and the coach should try to take more than one child and, where possible, another adult.
• Never engaging in rough or sexually provocative games.
• Never making suggestive remarks to a member - even in fun.
• Do things of a personal nature for a child that they can do for themselves. This includes assisting them in changing rooms or toilets.
• Sharing a bedroom with an individual gymnast on overnight excursions - in this instance coaches should supervise in pairs, where possible, supervising groups of children.
• The coach should at all times be concerned for the safety, well-being, protection and future of the gymnast.
• Coaches must never have any gymnasts as friends on any of their social media sites such as Facebook etc
Responsibilities - Personal standards
Coaches must demonstrate proper personal behaviour and conduct at all times.
This includes...
• Whilst representing the club, coaches should wear club uniform and be of a clean and tidy appearance. Long hair tied back and no jewellery worn
• Coaches should maintain good time keeping.
• Coaches should use correct and proper language at all times.
• Coaches should attend full training sessions including warm-up periods.
• Coaches must never consume alcohol before or during a training event nor are drugs/prohibited substances permitted at any time.
• Coaches are advised if speaking to parents regarding a parental concern, to speak with a head coach and never be in a 1:1 situation.
Responsibilities - Professional standards
To maximise benefits and minimise the risks to gymnasts, coaches must attain a high level of competence through qualifications and a commitment to ongoing training that ensures safe and correct practice.
This includes...
• Coaches must not miss-represent their qualifications, affiliations or professional competence to the club, club members, or any form of the media. Coaches responsibility to hold the appropriate valid qualifications and insurance cover. • Coaches have a professional obligation to the gymnasts to treat all allegations or suspicions of abuse seriously and with the upmost discretion. The first point of contact for any matters relating to this is the club child protection and welfare officer
• Coaches should not publicly criticise fellow coaches or other clubs in any branch of the media or to club members or parents.
• Any conflict between coaches should take place in private, not in front of members. Any disagreements that cannot be satisfactorily resolved through discussion and compromise should be reported to the Head Coach at the first available opportunity.
• All matters concerning the business of the gym club should be kept confidential at all times.
• It is the coach’s sole responsibility, not Storm Gymnastics, should an accident/injury occur whilst a gymnast is being assisted by you
• Coaches must not divulge any confidential information relating to a gymnast, member or fellow coach to any third party without the explicit permission of that person or parent/guardian.
• All coaches have a professional duty of care that includes a responsibility to ensure all equipment is safe to use, suitable for the purpose of the exercise and appropriate for the ability level of the gymnast participating.
• The duty of care extends to include an obligation to record any incidents or accidents and bring them to the attention of the Duty Officer immediately who will record.
• Coaches must discourage unsafe and inappropriate behaviour at all times.
• Equipment should be stored safely and in the appropriate places after every session.
• Coaches must have read and be fully aware of all of Storm Gymnastics policies and procedures
Signed ………………………………………………………………
Date ………………
Print ……………………………………………………………….
Code of Conducts / Policies / Procedures
Code of Conduct for Officials
Storm Gymnastics is committed to ensuring that those working with children and vulnerable young adults adopt the best possible practice to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participants and staff.
Therefore, all coaches, officials and volunteers must:
• Hold the appropriate valid qualifications and insurance cover.
• Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability & experience of the gymnast & ensure all gymnasts are suitably prepared as best as possible physically and mentally when performing skills.
• Consider the well-being and safety of participants before the development of performance ensuring respect and mutual trust.
• Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance, dressing suitably, not using inappropriate language at any time whilst involved with club activities.
• Never consume alcohol immediately before or during training or at an event.
• Obtain prior agreement from the parent/guardian of performers before transporting them anywhere.
• Always report any incidents, referrals or disclosures immediately, following the appropriate guidelines set out in the Scottish Gymnastics Child Protection procedures.
• Never condone rule violations or use of prohibited substances.
• Make sure that confidential information is not divulged unless with the approval of the individual concerned and stored securely.
• Promote Fair play at all times and treat each gymnast fairly and honestly.
• Encourage performers to value their performance and not just results.
• Give full commitment regardless of personal feeling towards gymnast, their level of ability, age etc
• Follow all guidelines laid down by SGA and Storm Gymnastics
• Provide a safe environment free of fear, harassment or negativity.
• Do not engage in any form of sexually related contact with an underage gymnast
• Best interest of the gymnast is of paramount importance.
Code of Conduct for Gymnasts
This activity aims to provide a fun, safe and enjoyable experience for children to attend.
To assist us in providing a quality service please note the following important information:
• All children attending this activity must be fully registered with all forms completed and signed by a parent/guardian. No child shall participate after the first session if all forms are not fully completed and returned.
• Parents/guardians must ensure that all information given is kept up-to-date and is fully accurate.
• To avoid disruption to the class NO parents/guardians should remain inside the gymnasium when the session starts and must remain outside until the session has finished and the doors have been opened by a member of staff.
• Parents are asked to try and get their children to go to the toilet prior to the start of the class (where needed) as continual disruption impacts on the other children’s enjoyment.
• All participants are asked not to bring any valuables to the class as there is no secure areas of storage. We therefore cannot accept any liability for any such losses.
• Members are not allowed to smoke, consume alcohol or take drugs of any kind whilst representing the club or whilst taking part in club activities.
• Parents must pay fee’s on-time. Failure to do so disrupts the class and may result in late payment fee.
• Gymnasts must inform Head coach of any illness or injury prior to class starting
Before the class starts
• Gymnasts must not go on ANY equipment prior to the coach arriving or their class starting or enter hall until coach advises it is safe to do so.
• Prompt timekeeping at the start of the class is important, prompt timekeeping at the end of the class is essential. Repeated failure to comply with timekeeping guidelines when collecting children will incur a fixed-penalty as this requires supervision by a single team member.
• No jewellery to be worn at any time.
• No socks. Socks can only be worn if medical condition ie verruca
• Hair must be tied back securely at all times.
• Gymnasts must dress appropriately – leotard/Shorts & T-Shirt (no skirts, jeans or tights)
• All gymnasts must bring water/juice to each lesson. No fizzy juice (where possible). Gymnasts will get a short break during their class.
During the class
• Gymnasts must respect all coaches and other gymnasts.
• All participants are expected to behave throughout their class and listen to the coaches at all times.
• No swearing, bullying or aggressive behaviour will be tolerated. Gymnasts will be given only two warnings and on another incident may be asked to leave the club if behaviour is unacceptable.
• Treat the venue and equipment with respect at all times.
• All members must participate within the rules of the sport and respect everyone in connection at all times.
After the class
• Unless stated in the child protection form, all gymnasts must remain in the gymnasium until a parent/guardian arrives.
• Any lost property will be held for 4 weeks and if not collected will be handed to local charity unless parent/guardian informs a coach.
• If any gymnast feels they are being treated unfairly or they have difficulties with any task/skill, they should speak to a coach at an appropriate time and in an appropriate manner.
Code of Conduct for Parents
Parents are requested to:
• Encourage your child to learn the rules and play fairly within them.
• Discourage any unfair play or arguing with club staff/officials.
• Assist your child to recognise good performances, not just results.
• Never force or pressurise your child to take part in gymnastics.
• Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding and encouraging good performances of all.
• Never punish, belittle or shout at a child for losing or making a mistake.
• Publicly accept or comment on officials' judgements.
• Support your child's involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
• Use correct and proper language at all times. No foul language tolerated during club activities.
• Never use threatening or abusive behaviour towards children, officials, coaches or other parents.
• Respect all facilities available so that your child can practice his/hers sport
• Report to Storm Gymnastics any perceived misconduct by coach, gymnast, parent or official so it can be dealt within the appropriate manner.
Equality Policy
Storm Gymnastics is committed to exemplary standards of conduct through the principles of equity, good moral and ethical frameworks.
The club will follow Equity Standards as set out by Scottish Gymnastics using the Scottish Gymnastics Equity Policy as a guide for good practice.
• The club will encourage individuals from all communities to become involved at all levels of participation, coaching, officiating and administration.
• The club will ensure that all members and staff adhere to the equity principles.
• All persons must respect the rights, dignity, beliefs and worth of every human being.
• All individuals must be treated fairly and equally regardless of age, gender, ethnic origin, religion, disability or belief.
• Equality must permeate throughout strategic and development plans in all areas of the club.
• Sexual or racial harassment, discrimination or discussion will be prohibited.
• The club’s will try to allow its premises is be accessible to all, including disabled people.
• Discriminatory language or behaviour is not acceptable.
• The implementation and effectiveness of this policy will be reviewed regularly and monitored by the club’s management committee.
• A fair and impartial service will be provided for all participants and discrimination through race, gender or disability will not be tolerated.
Confidentiality Policy
• The coaches, committee and volunteers of the club have a responsibility to all gymnasts and their families to respect their confidentiality.
• All records relating to the gymnast attending Storm Gymnastics will be kept secure and accessed only by authorised personnel. If a member leaves the club their contact details will be safely shredded.
• The only occasion coaches, committee or volunteers may use their discretion when passing on information will be in a situation where it is suspected that a gymnast is at risk. In this case, if it is felt necessary the information will be passed to the relevant authority without informing the gymnasts family.
• Any Members of storm gymnastics will treat any matter with confidentiality which relates to a gymnast.
Bulling policy
Storm Gymnastics Club will encourage, develop and help members in building a respectful and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and where bullying is not tolerated.
Storm Gymnastics identifies bullying may be:
Emotional unfriendly, excluding, tormenting, embarrassing Verbal name-calling. spreading rumours, teasing, insulting Physical pushing, pulling, kicking, hitting, punching,any use of violence. Racist racial taunts, graffiti, gestures, Cyber online social media, internet, phone .
If any member of Storm Gymnastics feels they are being bullied or witnesses someone being bullied at any class they should:
• Tell someone - a coach or a member of the Welfare Team.
• Ask a friend/parent to tell for them if they find it difficult to talk about it.
• Try not to deal with things on their own.
• Not feel guilty or embarrassed. Letting someone know will help!!
• Refrain from hitting back - this may make the situation worse.
• Do Not hide what is happening.
Bullying should be reported to a coach or the Welfare Officer.
Where bullying is reported Storm Gymnastics will:
• Respect confidentiality whilst investigating
• Deal with the incident, where appropriate, promptly.
• Reported the incident directly to the Child Protection Co-ordinator when the coach cannot deal with it.
• If necessary and appropriate, inform parents/police etc
Following investigation:
• Incident recorded fully in writing.
• In cases of repeat bullying or serious bullying, inform the parents of all involved and advise of a meeting date to discuss the problem
• Explore ways of reconciling the issues between the people concerned.
• Attempt to help the bully change their behaviour and offer support.
• Monitor developments to ensure no repeat incidents.
• Suspension or exclusion of the bully from Storm Gymnastics club where necessary.
Child Protection Policy
Storm Gymnastics Club is committed to ensuring that those working with children and vulnerable adults adopt best practice to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participants and staff.
• The adoption of the Scottish Gymnastics Health, Safety and Welfare guidelines.
• The adoption of the Scottish Gymnastics guidelines for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable adults.
• The appointment of a Welfare Officer (Child Protection Officer) to whom grievances or complaints can be made confidentially.
• Ensuring that staff are suitably trained in Child Protection and Health, Safety and Welfare issues.
• Ensuring that coaches have been screened to confirm their suitability to work with children. This will include a Disclosure.
• Ensuring that best Coaching Practice Guidelines are followed at all times.
• Ensuring that grievances or complaints are dealt with promptly and in accordance with the grievance procedures.
• Ensuring that a minimum of two responsible adults are present at all training sessions or events.
• Ensuring that the participants and/or parents are aware of the purpose of videoing, filming or photography during training or events.
• Having a zero tolerance level or poor practice, bullying or any potential form of abuse.
• Further information can be found in Scottish Gymnastics Child Protection Policy.
Club Leader Name …………………………………………..
Sign ………………………………………………………….
Date …………………………..
In accordance with guidelines from Scottish Gymnastics, Storm Gymnastics will:
• Appoint a Child Protection Co-Ordinator.
• Accept that all committee and administrative members have a responsibility in protection of the child.
• Be ready to alter bad practice
• Be prepared to respond to any incident of abuse.
• Implement any recommendations by Scottish Gymnastics relating to child protection
• Maintain confidentiality in respect of any Child Protection issue.
• Ensure all coaches and volunteers attend Child Protection/Safe Practice courses run by Scottish Gymnastics.
Storm Gymnastics Club recognise the role of the CPC is:
• To ensure all club helpers/officials/coaches/volunteers complete an application, a self-declaration form and an Enhanced Disclosure,
• To send forms to Scottish Gymnastics where necessary • To receive advice and reports from all other club members • To initiate action, ensuring all appropriate persons have been contacted.
Storm Gymnastics Club recognise the role of Scottish Gymnastics in child protection is:
• To appoint a Disciplinary Panel when necessary.
• To provide support/training and guidance to the Child Protection Co-ordinators and clubs through recognised child protection organisations.
• To make decisions on misconducts.
• To inform all appropriate individuals and bodies of their decisions.
• To facilitate training for Child Protection co-ordinators and coaches.
• To keep a list of all disqualified persons.
• To monitor the policy.
Everyone has a responsibility to maintain awareness and openness with regard to Child Protection.
1. Gymnast will be given two verbal warnings by the relevant coach when inappropriate behaviour is displayed.
2. On the third occasion that a Coach has to speak to a gymnast, then his/her Parent/Guardian will be informed of this. Parents will always be invited in any discussions regarding their child’s behaviour at the club.
3. The club will try to resolve any difficulties by meeting and speaking with all gymnasts concerned, and their parents, and appropriate plans put in place.
4. However, if attempts fail, the coaches/committee reserves the right, to exclude a child from the club. Our members Safety and Well-being is of paramount importance.
If anyone wishes to make a complaint regarding any aspect of Storm Gymnastics Club they should, in the first instance, contact the Club Child Protection Coordinator (CPC). If the complainer feels that the complaint has not been dealt with in a satisfactory manner they should then write to the Chairperson of the Club Committee.
A Committee meeting will arranged where the problem will be discussed and a solution sought. If the solution is not to the satisfaction of the complainer, they may wish to take their complaint to Scottish Gymnastics.
The address of Scottish Gymnastics is:
Scottish Gymnastics Airthey Castle,
University of Stirling,